Hello my dear friends of Celtic Music Night! It is a day of counting blessings…
I am so thankful to be writing to you relatively unscathed… but just to let you know: I had a very unfortunate run-in with the vicious storm we just weathered… On my way between Christmas concerts with Molly’s Revenge while driving through the deluge Saturday night, my car hydro-planed and I crashed quite badly on the I-880 freeway in San Jose. I was not hurt in the dramatic crash, other than a dose of whip lash, so I’m thanking my guardian angels for that and I am SO thankful! However my car suffered severe damage and is no longer drive-able.
…but the shows must go on, even if it means hitch-hiking to get there!
This Tuesday (tomorrow night), Celtic Music Night is ON, and it is the final event there until next summer, so I hope you can make it!
Tuesday December 4th. St Andrew Church, 7pm: 9850 Monroe Ave, Aptos
I would say it’s officially still a farewell party and send off for my coming move to Scotland as previously posted, but I must now also call it a car resurrection benefit… So please come out and enjoy a wee performance of music, a party with free refreshments, and jam session as usual, and if you are able to contribute donations, know it will go far in getting my legendary traveling companion patched up, and another step closer to getting to Scotland once again. I am always humbled and amazed by your gracious support as a community…I so appreciate it. Thank you for being such a blessing.
Also, Thanks so much to everyone who came out in support of the Michael Mullen concert at Music Night last week; what a great night! Michael put on a really neat show and you all were such a great crowd that Michael commented on what a great experience it was for him as well!
It was so lovely to see so many of you at Don Quixote’s for the kick-off of the Molly’s Revenge Christmas tour… now that was a party!
I will be moving into the heartland of Celtic music–Scotland right after the New Year. That’s right folks, after the conclusion of the Molly’s Revenge Christmas tour this January, I am so excited to be relocating to the highlands of Scotland for a wee while to connect with counterparts of the music, and learn multitudes of new tunes & songs, all the while getting submerged in the Gaelic culture… And of course giving the highlands a good dose of Molly’s Revenge-ness in return! So I hope to catch you while I can with the full line up of Molly’s Revenge, Christa Burch, and the Irish dancers at one of our fine Christmas concerts right around the corner… Come raise the parting glass in person this December! See you there… You can keep up with details and updates by checking in at www.davidbrewermusic.com, as well as at our home www.molysrevenge.com soon!So please come out to one of the up coming shows while I’m still here– it would be a shame if we didn’t get to properly say goodbye… and there are several to choose from:
Molly’s Revenge will be on tour with the fantastic vocalist Christa Burch and the Turco Irish dancers for a fabulous and heartfelt Christmas Concert celebration!But that’s not all folks; the full tour schedule can be found at www.davidbrewermusic.com…
12/9/12 | WINTERDANCE Celtic Christmas Celebration |
Angelica’s Bell Theatre and Bistro 863 Main Street, Redwood City, CA 94061 |
7:30 pm show CLICK FOR TICKETS Ticket phone: (650) 365-3226 |
Also there you can find out about the amazing:
Christmas Celebration production at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos,
also featuring
David Brewer & Glenfiddich Fiddle Champion, Rebecca Lomnicky!
We’ be performing as featured soloists with full choir, orchestra, pipe band, dancers, and guest vocalists! And it’s a FREE gift to you! From TLC.
Child care available for infants-Kindergarteners at all these 75 minute concerts. Ten performances at Twin Lakes Church in Aptos, CA. www.tlc.org for more info.
This show will knock you stockings off so be sure to check out at least one performance, and bring your neighborhood as well! Why not?!
Thursday, December 13th
Friday, December 14th
5:30pm, 8pm
Saturday, December 15th
3pm, 5:30pm, 8pm
Sunday, December 16th
11am, 3pm, 5:30pm, 8pm
And of course, Celtic Music Night at St Andrew will be raising the rafters with music, stories, guests, refreshments, and open jam sessions on
Tuesday November 27th, 7pm, with special guest fiddler Michael Mullen
Tuesday December 4th, 7pm, David Brewer’s farewell to Scotland concert & party!!!
Thanks to our wonderful host Church, St Andrew Presbyterian of Aptos, I’ll see you all then!
This and so much more to come, but it is SO great to be back in Santa Cruz– I have missed being here, and all of you very much, so I am really excited to see you at one of these great happenings soon! Thanks for your support!!!! Of myself and music, and this fabulous Celtic music scene we have here in Santa Cruz… YOU all make it happen.
For more, be sure to check in with the neighbors, the Monterey Celtic Society: http://www.celticsociety.org/ , and Loch Lomond Celtic Society: http://www.lochlomondceltic.org/
All the best my friends!
David Brewer